Grey Lynn Primary
Today I shared about how reading changes people’s lives with children at Grey Lynn Primary School.
Today I shared about how reading changes people’s lives with children at Grey Lynn Primary School.
This term I’m working with some inspiring children and their whānau at St Francis Catholic School in Auckland. We’re making a book about Matariki – how it inspires them in their lives.
The Reading Tribe has won a Storylines Notable Books Award. Massive thank you to designers Misterwolf for generously doing the design for free because they believe in encouraging young people to read. Thank you Storylines! Awards are important for independent publishers like me because they help people trust my work, and therefore get the work…
Beautiful meeting today with the legendary Niue educator, Mele Nemaia, and Oratia Publishing editor Carolyn Lagahetau – one of the first Pasifika book publishers in the world. It’s Niue’s 50th birthday this year (independence from NZ that is) and we’re celebrating by making a book about the history and traditions of Niue for children. An…
“So you want our blessing to publish stories for children? First you have to play me in table tennis. Then you have to listen to me make fun of you with a song.” Thank you Papa Tangatakino – first for schooling me in table tennis and then allowing me to create children’s books from Mangaia…
Today we had another launch for the book, Rise of the To’a, the MMT story. This launch was held for the Tongan community at Lesieli Tonga church in Mangere. It’s been an amazing blessing to be part of this work and to learn a little about Tongan culture. A big malo ‘aupito to ‘Alisi Tatafu…
‘I will always remember the last words my parents said to me before I came here: “Don’t forget who you are.” I’m proud of who I am. I’m proud to be Sāmoan.’ ‘O le ā ‘ou manatua pea ‘upu mulimuli a oʻu matua iā te aʻu ‘ae ‘ou te leʻi sau i’inei: “Aua neʻi e…