
$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
Rū is a famous Cook Islands explorer and navigator.
He loved discovering new places.
One day he set out on a journey that nearly ended in disaster but instead ended in a blessing.
Find out what happened in Ki Mua! Ki Mua!- a bilingual legend from Aitutaki.

$9.95 – $19.95 + GST
By Kairangi Ioane
When Nana was young she had to help the family prepare copra. Here’s how they did it.
Meitaki Taau ‘Anga’anga, Nana! is a bilingual book written in Cook Islands Māori and English.

$9.95 – $19.95 + GST
By Kairone Ioane
It’s Kairone’s first trip to the Cook Islands. Let’s find out what he did there … and a lesson he learned!
Oki Akaou Mai is a bilingual book written in Cook Islands Māori and English.

$9.95 – $19.95 + GST
By O-Auri Rikona-Mateariki
Nana loved going to the market in Rarotonga when she was a child. Let’s find out what she loved about it!
Ra Maketi i Raro is a bilingual book written in Cook Islands Māori and English.

$9.95 – $19.95 + GST
By Junior Rubena
When Papa was young he had lots of jobs to do in the village.
His favourite job was feeding his special chicken.
Toa Moa a Papa is a bilingual book written in Cook Islands Māori and English.

$9.95 – $19.95 + GST
By Layton-Monroe Johnson
Do you know how to grow taro? Mama Kathy learned how to do it when she was growing up in the Cook Islands. Let’s find out more!
Tuatau Taro is a bilingual book written in Cook Islands Māori and English.

$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
Have you ever missed your family so much it makes you sad?
That’s what happened to Va’ine and she had to make the toughest decision of her life.
Find out what happened next in Va’ine the Mōmoke, a bilingual legend from Rarotonga.

$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
“Nailed to the mast are the colours of Io, the Hidden One.
Our goal is Savaiki, so let her be swift, let her prow sing
as it slices the skin of the sea.”
Our Goal is Savaiki is a collection of poems by Cook Islands-Kiwi poet Alistair Te Ariki Campbell. The poems selected celebrate Alistair’s connections to Tongareva (Penrhyn) where his mother, Teu, was born.
Each poem has been illustrated by Heimata Tinipese (Pese) Kietonga, an emerging Cook Islands artist who is family to Alistair, or Papa Teariki, as her family knows him.
“Meitaki ranuinui, the art and design of this book is in perfect harmony with the poems. One of my Year 9 students chose one of his poems about Tangaroa for me to read at the end of class. I think the art and design are fantastic. Kia manuia.“
Brenda. Onehunga High School
Look inside the book by clicking here:


$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
Koromaūariki had a close relationship with his dad, the legendary superhero, Tinirau. But there was one thing that bothered him. Sometimes Tinirau would wake up in the middle of the night, go outside … and disappear for three days.
When he came home he’d dance into the house wearing a fresh, colourful and fragrant pandanus seed necklace. What was going on?
Find out in Night of the Dance – Pō o te ‘Ura, a Cook Islands legend retold by David Riley and translated into Cook Islands Māori by Mareta Tere.
Look inside the book by clicking here:


$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
Ina is a Cook Islands heroine and superhero, famous throughout Oceania for her mighty deeds. In this story, Ina faces the biggest challenge of her life. Is it a human-eating giant? No. A tree-crushing cyclone? Kā‘ore. Then it must be an island-flooding tsunami? Not even close. Ina’s biggest challenge was a lot closer to home … and one that almost all of us can relate to.
Find out in Tapa of Love – a Cook Islands legend retold by David Riley and translated into Cook Islands Māori by Mareta Tere.
Look inside the book by clicking here:


$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
On Sunday 7 December 1941, Japanese fighter planes attacked American ships in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. New Zealand, Australia, the United States and Britain declared war on Japan.
And the Pasifika Coastwatchers leaped into action!
Their job was to report the movements of Japanese aircraft, ships and submarines. If they were caught they were beaten, imprisoned and sometimes executed. But without these brave men, women and children, the Pacific war may have been lost. This is their story.
Look inside the book by clicking here:


$14.95 – $29.95 + GST
Cook Islands Heroes is the fourth book in the Pasifika Heroes series. It follows We Are the Rock (Niuean), Samoan Heroes and Tongan Heroes.
Cook Islands Heroes tells the inspirational stories of achievers who have Cook Islands ancestry. It includes legends like Ina, Maui, Ngaru and Ru; historical figures such as Pa Tuterangi Ariki/Sir Thomas Davis, Alistair Te Ariki Campbell, Mautara and Margharet Matenga; and contemporary heroes like Lima Sopoaga, Mīria George, Dr Kiki Maoate, Kevin Iro, and Teremoana Rapley. The book is written to inspire young Cook Islanders, to encourage reading and promote literacy. The book is illustrated by Samoan comic book artist, Michel Mulipola.
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Cook Islands Heroes
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