Showing 1–16 of 26 results

$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
Everyone’s getting ready for the New Year. Suddenly someone yells, “There’s something strange on the beach!” What could it be? Find out more in Hapi Niu Yia! a story in Solomon Islands pigin and English, by Mary Polosovai.
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Hapi Niu Yia!
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$9.95 – $19.95 + GST
By Kairangi Ioane
When Nana was young she had to help the family prepare copra. Here’s how they did it.
Meitaki Taau ‘Anga’anga, Nana! is a bilingual book written in Cook Islands Māori and English.

$9.95 – $19.95 + GST
By Kairone Ioane
It’s Kairone’s first trip to the Cook Islands. Let’s find out what he did there … and a lesson he learned!
Oki Akaou Mai is a bilingual book written in Cook Islands Māori and English.

$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
Dad loves his green bike, but it’s in pretty bad condition! If only someone could fix it for him … Find out what Dad did next in Old Grin Baesikol, a story in Solomon Islands pigin and English, by Mary Polosovai.
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Old Grin Baesikol
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$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
Paza wants to play. Poki wants to sleep. Mum and Dad have different ideas!
Find out what happens in Paza an Poki, a story in Solomon Islands pigin and English, by Mary Polosovai.
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Paza an Poki
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$9.95 – $19.95 + GST
By O-Auri Rikona-Mateariki
Nana loved going to the market in Rarotonga when she was a child. Let’s find out what she loved about it!
Ra Maketi i Raro is a bilingual book written in Cook Islands Māori and English.

$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
Children don’t need Barbie dolls to have fun in the Solomon Islands.
Coconuts will do just fine!
Find out how in Slip Bebi, a story in Solomon Islands pigin and English, by Mary Polosovai.
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Slip Bebi
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$9.95 – $19.95 + GST
By Junior Rubena
When Papa was young he had lots of jobs to do in the village.
His favourite job was feeding his special chicken.
Toa Moa a Papa is a bilingual book written in Cook Islands Māori and English.

$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
Like children around the world, Solomon Islands children love to play. Have you heard of ‘sela kokonat’? How about ‘bat an ran’? Find out more in Yumi Go! a story in Solomon Islands pigin and English, by Mary Polosovai.
Look inside here:
Yumi Go!
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$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
“Nailed to the mast are the colours of Io, the Hidden One.
Our goal is Savaiki, so let her be swift, let her prow sing
as it slices the skin of the sea.”
Our Goal is Savaiki is a collection of poems by Cook Islands-Kiwi poet Alistair Te Ariki Campbell. The poems selected celebrate Alistair’s connections to Tongareva (Penrhyn) where his mother, Teu, was born.
Each poem has been illustrated by Heimata Tinipese (Pese) Kietonga, an emerging Cook Islands artist who is family to Alistair, or Papa Teariki, as her family knows him.
“Meitaki ranuinui, the art and design of this book is in perfect harmony with the poems. One of my Year 9 students chose one of his poems about Tangaroa for me to read at the end of class. I think the art and design are fantastic. Kia manuia.“
Brenda. Onehunga High School
Look inside the book by clicking here:


$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
Ko Fa’aitu kua fia fano lele oi fagota ma na taulelea i moana. Ko na magō, na feke, na tafolā … kae ko ia e hē mataku lele ai. I Tokelau, e iei lava te taimi e fetaui mo na mea uma. Ko te taimi hako nei tenei o Fa’aitu?
Faaitu can’t wait to go fishing with the men in the open ocean. Sharks, octopus, whales … he’s not afraid of them! But in Tokelau there’s a right time for everything. Will this be Faaitu’s time?

$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
Ko Mala ko he tino makeke i te fagatua, nae nofo i Fakaofo. Kae ko na tino o te fenua nae faikino ki ei. I te tahi aho, na hula ake ai he matuā magō. E mafai nei e Mala oi laveaki mai te nuku, i ana muna fagatua?
Mala is a great wrestler who lived in Fakaofo. But the people of the village are mean to him. One day a giant shark turns up. Can Mala save the village with his wrestling skills?

$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
I na tauhaga uma lava, e fai ai te tukugā vaka fakapitoa i Nukunonu. Ko Maleko e fofou ke fau e ia he vaka, ke fano i te tukuga tenei. Kae ko tana uō ia Tovia, e fofou ke alo e ia te vaka. Ei nā mua nei to la vaka?
Every year a special canoe race was held in Nukunonu. Maleko wants to build a canoe to enter the race. His friend Tovio wants to row the canoe. Will they win?

$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
1 Fepuali, 1990. 8.30afiafi. Fakaaliga Fakapitoa o te Tau. Ko te Afā ko Ofa, kua agai atu nei ki luga o Tokelau.
E ā nei tā na tino ka fai? E fakahao nei vehea ki latou?
1 February, 1990. 8.30pm. Special Weather Bulletin. Cyclone Ofa is travelling towards Tokelau.
What will the people do? How will they survive?

$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
E vehea ona kavea koe ma toa mai Fakaofo? E hau te taimi, ka maua ai e Frank te tali o te fehili!
What does it take to be a winner from Fakaofo? Frank is going to find out!

$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
On Sunday 7 December 1941, Japanese fighter planes attacked American ships in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. New Zealand, Australia, the United States and Britain declared war on Japan.
And the Pasifika Coastwatchers leaped into action!
Their job was to report the movements of Japanese aircraft, ships and submarines. If they were caught they were beaten, imprisoned and sometimes executed. But without these brave men, women and children, the Pacific war may have been lost. This is their story.
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