Tuvalu children’s books

Pretty amazed that Freestyle: the Israel Adesanya Story has made the shortlist of the 2023 NZ Children’s Book Awards in the non-fiction category. Never did I think I could reach this level but I’m grateful to have one of my books recognised this way. Not for the ego but because it means more people can…
I did a zoom sharing talk as part of the Reading Oceania conference recently. Whenever I’m blessed to do presentations I’m always proud to represent my home town MÄngere, and let everyone know about the village that raised me.
Awesome time at Kedgley Intermediate School today celebrating A Piece of Myself – a book written by these talented young people. The kaupapa of our pukapuka is to praise our beloved home South Auckland.
I’ve been doing a project with these Writing Warriors from Dawson Primary School in Ĺtara. We’re making a pukapuka together in which they star as superheroes. These tamariki are creative, clever, imaginative, inspiring!
Massive arohas and shout out to Indira Stewart and the team at Radio NZ for hosting our team of Flat Bush student writers and recording them reading their stories. An awesome experience for all of us! #flatbushwriters #readNZ #writingwarriors
This is my favourite part of writing projects with kids: celebrating with the children and their families. This evening we launched The Streets: a celebration of Mt Wellington written by children of Bailey Road School.