Create Your Own Book
Workshop: Publish Your Own Book
NOTE: the project outlined below is flexible. If you have other ideas of how I could work with you and your students to create their own book, no matter how many there are, and with a different budget, let me know and we can design something specific for you 🙂
Intended audience: 10 students (Year 4 and above)
Duration: one term (we can design the sessions to fit your schedule)
Description: Your students and staff will learn skills to create their own books. I will guide them through the whole process of creating a book: planning, research, writing and editing, understanding copyright, images, how to get an ISBN, cover design, interior design, eBooks and promotion. We will finish with a celebration blessing and book launch.
Included in the program are the following:
- 10 one hour sessions with me at your school
- a one hour teaching session with a professional photographer or illustrator (depending on the kind of book we do)
- a motivational visit from a professional journalist
- online feedback and guidance for the duration of the project through a Google Drive folder we administer together and via other online platforms we might make use of e.g. Zoom meetings.
- a professionally edited, designed and printed, full colour book
- copyright ownership of the book
- 100 paperback copies
- ePub and PDF versions
- print files so you can print more paperback copies if you want in the future – they’re a good fundraiser!
- there is also an option to produce an audio version of the book with your students narrating their own writing (there would be an extra cost for this, approximately $500 from Audiobooks NZ)
Cost: $8000+gst. Remember: you can sell the books to make this cost back! There’s also places where you can get funding to help pay for the program such as Creative NZ, Read NZ Te Pou Muramura, and Local Board funding.

South Auckland kids write book to challenge negative stereotypes about their community
“It was a great experience for me because it was the first time I had ever wrote a book and it was fun writing it with an amazing group of people from my school. I had the greatest opportunity to leave a legacy for my school and to be an author this young.”
Elizabeth. St Mary MacKillop School.
“This project was such an amazing experience for the students. They were able to see the writing process that authors go through and were photographers for their own book. The biggest learning for these students was realising that they can ALL write and they ALL had the potential to be an author. It was definitely a confidence boost for our not so confident writers. All students felt that through writing this book, their voice would be heard by others. We have a rich resource to use as part of our reading programme within our school and one that all students will have a connection to.”
Silo Metai-McCarthy. St Mary MacKillop School.