Workshops for Educators
“Talofa lava David. Malō le soifua. On behalf of the Kahui Ako o Waitematā leaders and Across School Leaders, I want to extend our heartfelt gratitude and thanks for the fabulous workshops you presented. Your workshop was the first to reach maximum capacity – we had to close it down! Many in our English department attended your workshop and they were enthralled. So much so that they have shared your amazing activities with the whole department and are using it with classes immediately! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and passion with our kaiako. It will certainly change our practice and the way we engage students with writing.” Fa’afetai lava. Tupe Tai. Western Springs College
“Amazing, really enjoyed David’s presentation. Great ideas, easily adaptable to all levels. What an inspirational speaker.”
“Inspiring, informative – I could listen to him all day! Have made lots of notes to take back to school – awesome ideas! Would definitely listen to him again – totally engaging and humble man.”
“An inspiring talk. Came away wanting to delve deeper into students, question and observe, allow students to build on their own strengths in concert with traditional learning. Also reminded me of the power of story.”
“A completely different aspect of diversity and how to embrace and ready all groups. Especially great to have the focus on boys and literature.”
“Awesome person – what passion, what skilled and genuine love for people. Culture, talents and love for oneself is so important. I will take away some ideas for our reluctant boys.”
“I feel so privileged to have heard David speak. I’d love to be a student in his class! A fabulous message about how to seek out who our students (and their whanau) really are.”
“I loved David – he was wonderful. Being NZ Maori I could connect and understand what he spoke about. We need more Davids – especially our tamariki.”
I do presentations/workshops with teachers to help reinvigorate and refresh their thinking.
As a former Head of Department and Specialist Classroom Teacher, I enjoy working with adults as well.
These could include:
- workshops on how to teach reading comprehension skills
- workshops on how to teach writing skills
- a presentation for teachers on ways to help the curriculum engage young people, especially boys
- a presentation for librarians on ways to make libraries more inviting, engaging and relevant for young people and their families
Here’s me doing a presentation for “Light the Fire”:
“The staff meeting reminded us of the importance of not just knowing our students, but REALLY knowing our students well, drawing on their strengths and the expertise of the families. The most important thing in any school is the people. David reminded us of this and much more.”
Denise Horley. Opaheke School
“Hi David, I just want to say how much I enjoyed your workshop. Thank you so much, your style of delivery is fun and engaging, and your students are lucky to have you. Thanks also for the resources.”
Karen Schwabe. Greymouth High School
To arrange a visit and to discuss fees:
- e mail me directly
- make an inquiry through the New Zealand Book Council
- organise a visit through Getting Kids Into Books, a speakers agency for authors and illustrators run by Rosemary Tisdall
- complete the contact form below: