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$9.95 – $19.95 + GST
Gold! is the first Reading All Stars book. It is a book about New Zealand Olympic gold medal winners.
You’ll read about Malcolm Champion, our very first gold medallist; and about Lisa Carrington, the first Maori in the world to win an Olympic gold medal.
Some of the stories will amaze you.
Some will make you proud.
All of them will encourage you to dream big too!
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$9.95 – $19.95 + GST
Rock Bottom was shortlisted in Playmarket’s Plays for the Young Awards.
Lologo lives with her Nan, father and two brothers. Mum has recently passed away and everyone is struggling with it in their own way. Dad is afraid of losing any more family members and becomes overly strict on the children causing conflict, especially with Lologo. She wants to join a school dance crew but he refuses.
Contains references to drug use.
Look inside the book by clicking here: