Fanene Peter Maivia – Son of Samoa
This week I launched a new book Fanene Peter Maivia: Son of Samoa. It’s the first in a new series called Reading Legends. These are picture biographies of legendary Kiwi and Pasifika heroes.
This week I launched a new book Fanene Peter Maivia: Son of Samoa. It’s the first in a new series called Reading Legends. These are picture biographies of legendary Kiwi and Pasifika heroes.
Great day launching my new book about Yvette Williams in two communities: in Howick where Yvettte lived, with her family, and in Otara where Chad Robertson (illustrator) and I live and work, with our families.
Yes they will if we can make it fun and an activity they experience success in. Here’s some children at Greenmeadows School in Manurewa proving it. They’ve got stories for days! #Writing Warriors #Daily Dash
Beautiful meeting today with the legendary Niue educator, Mele Nemaia, and Oratia Publishing editor Carolyn Lagahetau – one of the first Pasifika book publishers in the world. It’s Niue’s 50th birthday this year (independence from NZ that is) and we’re celebrating by making a book about the history and traditions of Niue for children. An…
I’m working on a new book in the Pasifika Heroes series – Tokelau Heroes. Today my students performed a play about Lata, a legendary Tokelau hero. It was a show for children and was performed at Vodafone Events Centre in Manukau.
Would you like some free books with that bread and milk? During the COVID lockdown schools and libraries were closed and many of our young people lost access to books. I reached out to some of the Auckland Local Boards and other organisations to sponsor book packs – home libraries – so our youth would…
I’m working with young writers at Flatbush School this term and today we had an inspiring visit by Raymond Sagapolutele. Raymond is a professional photographer and an amazing role model for our young Pasifika storytellers. “You are orators and your story is important,” Raymond said. “A lot of times us adults don’t listen to children,…