Read to Succeed
So awesome today that I got to speak to children at Our Lady Star of the Sea School. This week is the school’s Book Week and they have lots of activities happening to promote reading. That’s a great school man!
So awesome today that I got to speak to children at Our Lady Star of the Sea School. This week is the school’s Book Week and they have lots of activities happening to promote reading. That’s a great school man!
First day of our project working with Tokelau youth and their families to make some bilingual Tokelau children’s books 🇹🇰 So Tokelau children can go into a library and find books they can see themselves in, written by Tokelau writers, illustrated by Tokelau artists. Where to find stories? I encouraged the young writers to fehili…
Today ‘Alisi Tatafu and I launched our children’s book Rise of the To’a (the MMT story) at Mangere College as part of Tongan Language Week celebrations. The book even had its own cake! Why Mangere College? ‘Alisi is a current teacher and Dean at MC, and MC is the school I went to. Seek the…
I’ve been doing a project with these Writing Warriors from Dawson Primary School in Ōtara. We’re making a pukapuka together in which they star as superheroes. These tamariki are creative, clever, imaginative, inspiring!
On Thursday I was blessed to participate in a rangatahi programme for the uri of Te Ahiwaru – Hapuu of Ihumaatao called Te Ara a Hape. This Kaupapa was designed to support rangatahi and whānau to re-engage with education and inspire their tamariki post COVID. I felt so happy for those rangatahi in the program…
Yes they will if we can make it fun and an activity they experience success in. Here’s some children at Greenmeadows School in Manurewa proving it. They’ve got stories for days! #Writing Warriors #Daily Dash
Today we launch a new book in the bilingual Pasifika Superheroes series: Who Stole My Taro? Taro is one of the most popular foods in the Samoa. You can bake it and eat it with palusami. You can boil it and soak it in coconut cream. You can even fry it and make taro chips….