Storylines Tour Day 2
St Matthew’s School, Hastings. So cool to share with kids about inspirational people like Israel Adesanya inside an inspirational venue like a church!
St Matthew’s School, Hastings. So cool to share with kids about inspirational people like Israel Adesanya inside an inspirational venue like a church!
Today I was blessed to be invited to St Mary MacKillop School in Mangere as their “Author of the Month.” The student librarians wrote to me asking if I could visit because they want their friends and peers to do more reading. I think it’s so awesome that these young people have so much love…
Thank you to staff, students and families of Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu students for a cool time with you doing writing workshops in Kirikiriroa Hamilton and Tauranga Moana.
I did a zoom sharing talk as part of the Reading Oceania conference recently. Whenever I’m blessed to do presentations I’m always proud to represent my home town MÄngere, and let everyone know about the village that raised me.
The Reading Tribe has won a Storylines Notable Books Award. Massive thank you to designers Misterwolf for generously doing the design for free because they believe in encouraging young people to read. Thank you Storylines! Awards are important for independent publishers like me because they help people trust my work, and therefore get the work…
Pretty amazed that Freestyle: the Israel Adesanya Story has made the shortlist of the 2023 NZ Children’s Book Awards in the non-fiction category. Never did I think I could reach this level but I’m grateful to have one of my books recognised this way. Not for the ego but because it means more people can…
Today Kedgley Intermediate School launched the book we made together celebrating their incredible alumni. A supercity mayor, Black Ferns captain, successful businesswomen, entrepreneurs, writers, MMT captain, world class singers and more have come from this wonderful South Auckland school.