La’u Penina Tautele – My Pearl of Great Price

‘I will always remember the last words my parents said to me before I came here: “Don’t forget who you are.” I’m proud of who I am. I’m proud to be Sāmoan.’

‘O le ā ‘ou manatua pea ‘upu mulimuli a oʻu matua iā te aʻu ‘ae ‘ou te leʻi sau i’inei: “Aua neʻi e fa’agaloina oe.” ‘Ou te mitamita lava iā te aʻu. ‘Ou te mitamita ona o a’u o le Sāmoa.’

In La’u Penina Tautele, I worked with 11 young people from Tangaroa College in Ōtara, South Auckland. The students shared how they stay connected to their culture, though they’re far from home. They selected objects that represent who they are as Pacific young people, and told stories about them in English and Sāmoan.

You’ll be inspired to read about how proud these youth are of their identity – it’s a penina tautele to them, a pearl of great price. Check the book out here:

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