Read to Succeed
I always love sharing stories with young people about how reading can literally save and change your life. Today I was at Wesley College – blessed and inspired by these talented young people.
I always love sharing stories with young people about how reading can literally save and change your life. Today I was at Wesley College – blessed and inspired by these talented young people.
Thank you to staff, students and families of Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu students for a cool time with you doing writing workshops in Kirikiriroa Hamilton and Tauranga Moana.
I had an incredible week in Raro this week. The Cook Islands Ministry of Education invited me to come and share in their literacy week celebrations. I visited lots of schools on Raro, talking to young people, and being inspired by them. This photo comes form a writing workshop I did with children at Nukutere…
“I cant believe that I’m now an author.” “My favourite part was writing my own thoughts about the topic.” “I’m so excited that my piece of writing can go worldwide.” Some of the thoughts of children at Kauri Flats School who I worked with to publish a book called Awakeri. We launched the book at…
Today we had another launch for the book, Rise of the To’a, the MMT story. This launch was held for the Tongan community at Lesieli Tonga church in Mangere. It’s been an amazing blessing to be part of this work and to learn a little about Tongan culture. A big malo ‘aupito to ‘Alisi Tatafu…
‘I will always remember the last words my parents said to me before I came here: “Don’t forget who you are.” I’m proud of who I am. I’m proud to be Sāmoan.’ ‘O le ā ‘ou manatua pea ‘upu mulimuli a oʻu matua iā te aʻu ‘ae ‘ou te leʻi sau i’inei: “Aua neʻi e…
They’re known for their rugby but young men at Hastings Boys’ High School are readers too. It was inspiring sharing with them today as part of a Read NZ Writers in Schools visit.