Tekau mā rima ngā tamarikiMāori i mahi tahi me te kaituhi-kaiako, a David Riley, ki te tā atu i tēnei pukapuka hei pānui māu – Ko Aotearoa Te Tūrangawaewae. Kua tuhituhia e rātou he kōrero e whakaata ana i tō rātou whakahī nui ki tō rātou Māoritanga. Ka pānui koe mō nga tūpuna hokoi, mō te hiranga o Te Tiriti o Waitangi, o te whakairo, mō te pēheatanga o te kohikohi kina, mō tō rātou aroha ki tō rātou reo, ki te haka, me te ahurea, me ō rātou ohia ki tētahi anamata whakamīharo kei te tū mai.
Haere mai ki te whai wāhi mai ki te ātaahua o Te Ao Māori ki tō rātou taha.
Fifteen Māori young people worked with teacher-writer David Riley, to bring you this book – Ko Aotearoa Te Tūrangawaewae. The stories they’ve written demonstrate their immense pride in being Māori. You’ll read about beloved ancestors, the importance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, whakairo, how to catch kina, their love for their language, dance, and culture, and their dreams of a great future.
Come and share the beauty of Te Ao Māori with them.
Ko Aotearoa Te Tūrangawaewae
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