
Pay it forward

Watching the film Pay It Forward with family tonight got us thinking about what an awesome concept it’s based on. A teacher sets an interesting project for his students: “Think of an idea to change our world – and put it into ACTION!”


One student’s idea is the basis of the Pay it Forward concept. He does 3 good deeds for people in need and all he asks in return is that they do something good for 3 other people.


Pay back: you do something good for me, I do something good for you.

Pay it forward: you do something good for me, I do something good for someone else.

It reminds me of the inspiring song “One Day.” Watch what happens when one person stops to help someone else. The song is pretty catchy too.

This is a pretty awesome thought to start a new year with. Happy new year everyone. Hope you receive lots of kindness this year, so you have lots to give away. Manuia!

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