Showing 17–18 of 18 results

$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
“Happiness fills our street, people breathe it in like sweet air.”
“When I’m with my family, in this special place, I wish I could never leave.”
In This Special Place, children from Flat Bush School share what they love about growing up in Ōtara, South Auckland. Watch out world, these ten young authors are coming … with their aroha, commitment, passion and talent!
Check out an article by Read NZ Te Pou Muramura about the project.
Look inside the book by clicking here:


$9.95 – $24.95 + GST
‘In South Auckland strangers offer warm smiles, talking to one another like they know each other. They say, “Thank you,” “Please,” and “Sorry.” That lets you know they’re being sincere and they mean it. I feel safe and I feel warm where I live, in my home in South Auckland.’
Where I Live celebrates growing up in South Auckland. In this book, 11 students from St Mary MacKillop School in Mangere East describe the things they love about their amazing community. Teacher-author, David Riley, grew up in Mangere too, and helps the students find the words to express their thoughts. Be blessed, encouraged and inspired by these young people as they highlight the beauty of their home … South Auckland.
Look inside the book by clicking here: