
Less fearful, more bold


I’ve got a lot of respect for Benji Marshall after hearing the news he’s coming home to Aotearoa next year. It’s a brave decision to leave a sport he’s comfortable in, has had so much success in , and take up a new sport, working from the bottom, with the possibility of “failure”.

Benji’s step of bravery reminds me of a post I read in gapingvoid.com:

When one craves the adventure, but refuses to give up safety, life dries up. Life dies. And that’s when real suffering begins…. I’m talking about your vocations and avocations. That launch delayed, the business you never started, job you never went after. The screenplay you never wrote, the painting your never painted. Those things that you put off because you thought you could. When you’re done counting the winnings, you will have wished you were less fearful, and more bold.”

A lot of commentators and fans tease and mock people like Benji and Sonny Bill Williams. But I actually find them to be really brave people who are want to explore life and take risks and if they fail, at least they really lived.Image


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